Altrocanto is located in Via San Rocco, Farindola (PE), for information and questions we reply to email and to the phone number 342 3633138.
To reach us you can get directions with the Google map below, or:
By car:
– from Pescara:
we are 50 kilometers away from Pescara reachable in one hour. Follow the signs for Loreto/Penne and then for Farindola;
From the A14 Adriatic highway: exit at Pescara nord/Città Sant’ Angelo then turn right into direction Elice,
then follow the signs for Penne and then Farindola;
– from Rome
Route n°1: ighway A25 towards Pescara, exit at Chieti, take the freeway to Pescara and exit in direction Penne, near Penne follow the signs for Farindola;
Route n°2: – summer: from the months of June to the end of October, take the highway towards L’Aquila, exit the Assergi tollbooth and then to Campo Imperatore following the directions for Castel del Monte to the crossroad for Farindola. By the way, this itinerary is of great charm with superb views and is also the shortest solution in kilometers from Rome, but it is still a curvy mountain road, and above all impassable in the winter months until to the thaw, given to the high altitudes reached.
Last tip coming from Rome: usually satellite navigators will suggest to pass L’Aquila in the direction of Teramo to exit the highway after the Gran Sasso tunnel; We DO NOT recommend this itinerary as the road to Farindola, after the highway, is actually exceptionally long, winding, muddy and sprawling. Much better the first two illustrated itineraries!
By train: nearest train station is Pescara Centrale
By bus: daily and frequent connections from Pescara bus station (near the train station)
By air: nearest international airport is Pescara